Thursday 14 March 2013

Graded Assignment 1 : Revised Lesson Plan

Standard or Form: CFS IIUM
Date: 11 March 2013 
Time: 2 hours

Proficiency level of students: Advanced

General and specific objective(s) of lesson: To evaluate student’s listening skills.

Behavioral objectives:   
1. To scrutinize listening skills of students.
2. To help them manage their focus.
3. Expose them to a serious listening topic.

Materials required for lesson: Card, Video, Speakers.

1.      First activity will be conducted.
2.      Students will watch a video on Obama – Romney: Presidential Debate and will be asked to point out important points from the debate.
3.      Students will list down important points from the debate.
4.      Proceed with the second listening activity.
5.      Students will be asked to sit in circle.
6.      A set of cards containing pictures will be given to each one of the students.
7.      Students will made up stories based on the cards that they are holding, but at the same time connect the stories with the previous stories made by their friends.

Activity 1: Listening to video recording
What teacher will do
What students will do
Time allotted : 40 minutes
Mode (ind./pair) : Pair
Material: Video and speakers
1. Show a video to the students.
2. Ask students to listen carefully
and point out important points from 
the video
3. Ask students to pair up and discuss their points
4. State whether they agree with the points or if they have any comments regarding the issues discussed
1.Watch the video carefully
2. List down any important points from the video
3. Submit the findings with their comments on the point.
(e.g: agree or disagree, why?)

Activity 2: Story Telling Cards
What teacher will do
What students will do

Time allotted: 40 minutes
Mode (ind./pair): Group
Material : Cards
1.      Ask the student to sit in groups of 8.
2.      Give a picture card to each one of them.
3.      Ask the students to hide their cards from their friends.
4.      Brief the students on how the activity shall be conducted.
5.      Ask student at the first right chair to start making up stories based on their cards.
1.      Sit in groups of 8 students.
2.      Every student takes their cards with pictures in it.
3.      Make a story based on their card.
4.      The stories must be connected with the previous story but include a story on your picture too.

Self-evaluation and comments on lesson:

1. For activity 1, students may point out different ideas than what is listed on the marking scheme. Marks should be given based on logic and reason.

2. Activity 2 will require students to have quick response and reasoning skills to avoid losing marks. Confusion might occur on the assessment part but since the focus of this activity is on making sure that everyone retains the coherence of ideas, teacher must ensure that this goal is met while giving out marks.

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