Sunday 31 March 2013

Reflection 5 : Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
CMC refers to any communicative transaction that occurs through the use of two or more networked computers.  
There are 2 forms of CMC; Synchronous and Asynchronous

real time, instantaneous communication
<!- The participants  communicate in the same session.

<!- Exchanges are  rapid

<!- Language used resembles more of spoken conversation.

<!- The synchronous mode of CMC is indeed a combination of written and oral styles of communication

<!- Emoticons’ used to show writer’s emotions or motives. They make up for the absence of body language, facial expression and eye contact
Chatting, Video Conferencing, Instant Messaging
non-real time communication
<!- The message is read and responded to at a later point in time.

<!- The participants do not have to be on-line at the same time.
E-mail, Bulletin Board, Blog, SNS

The table above contains a simplified version of what CMC is all about. With the advancement of technology, improvised versions and examples of CMC will occur and hopefully can help language learners in as many aspects as possible in their language acquisition.
Although changes and improvisation is very much welcomed in the field of CMC, users should be warned that not all changes are good. As the use of internet becomes widespread, there are dangers to what it may bring to society. For example, cases of fraud and identity theft are among the few cases of incorrect usage of CMC. Hence, internet users must be aware of any and every information they share via CMC.
Another downside of rapid widespread of CMC is that people in this age finds it more comfortable to talk to each other via computers or online communication rather than face-to-face interaction. Despite the mobility and ease, we might want to consider the effects of such situation in the years to come. Do we really want to live in a society where people only communicate via computers and the likes of it? What will happen to family institution then? Won’t relationships crumble? Therefore, we need to be vigilant and exercise control and limit in the use of computer mediated communication in our lives.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Graded Assignment 1 : Revised Lesson Plan

Standard or Form: CFS IIUM
Date: 11 March 2013 
Time: 2 hours

Proficiency level of students: Advanced

General and specific objective(s) of lesson: To evaluate student’s listening skills.

Behavioral objectives:   
1. To scrutinize listening skills of students.
2. To help them manage their focus.
3. Expose them to a serious listening topic.

Materials required for lesson: Card, Video, Speakers.

1.      First activity will be conducted.
2.      Students will watch a video on Obama – Romney: Presidential Debate and will be asked to point out important points from the debate.
3.      Students will list down important points from the debate.
4.      Proceed with the second listening activity.
5.      Students will be asked to sit in circle.
6.      A set of cards containing pictures will be given to each one of the students.
7.      Students will made up stories based on the cards that they are holding, but at the same time connect the stories with the previous stories made by their friends.

Activity 1: Listening to video recording
What teacher will do
What students will do
Time allotted : 40 minutes
Mode (ind./pair) : Pair
Material: Video and speakers
1. Show a video to the students.
2. Ask students to listen carefully
and point out important points from 
the video
3. Ask students to pair up and discuss their points
4. State whether they agree with the points or if they have any comments regarding the issues discussed
1.Watch the video carefully
2. List down any important points from the video
3. Submit the findings with their comments on the point.
(e.g: agree or disagree, why?)

Activity 2: Story Telling Cards
What teacher will do
What students will do

Time allotted: 40 minutes
Mode (ind./pair): Group
Material : Cards
1.      Ask the student to sit in groups of 8.
2.      Give a picture card to each one of them.
3.      Ask the students to hide their cards from their friends.
4.      Brief the students on how the activity shall be conducted.
5.      Ask student at the first right chair to start making up stories based on their cards.
1.      Sit in groups of 8 students.
2.      Every student takes their cards with pictures in it.
3.      Make a story based on their card.
4.      The stories must be connected with the previous story but include a story on your picture too.

Self-evaluation and comments on lesson:

1. For activity 1, students may point out different ideas than what is listed on the marking scheme. Marks should be given based on logic and reason.

2. Activity 2 will require students to have quick response and reasoning skills to avoid losing marks. Confusion might occur on the assessment part but since the focus of this activity is on making sure that everyone retains the coherence of ideas, teacher must ensure that this goal is met while giving out marks.

Graded Assignment 1 : Lesson Plan

Standard or Form: CFS IIUM 
Date: 11 March 2013 
Time: 2 hours

Proficiency level of students: Advanced
General and specific objective(s) of lesson: To observe the students’ listening skills.

Behavioral objectives:   
1. To scrutinize listening skills of students.
2. To help them manage their focus point.
3. Expose them to a serious listening topic.

Materials required for lesson: Card, Video, Speakers.

1.      First activity will be conducted.
2.      Students will watch a video on Obama – Romney: Presidential Debate and will be asked to point out important points from the debate.
3.      Proceed with the second listening activity.
4.      Students will be asked to sit in circle.
5.      A set of cards containing pictures will be given to each one of the students.
6.      Students will made up stories based on the cards that they are holding, but at the same time connect the stories with the previous stories made by their friends.

Activity 1: Point out important points from a video
What teacher will do
What students will do
Time allotted : 15 minutes
Mode (ind./pair) :  
Material: Video and speakers
1. Show a video to the students.
2. Ask students to listen carefully and point out important points from the video
1.Watch the video carefully
2. List down any important points from the video

Activity 2: Story Telling Cards
What teacher will do
What students will do

Time allotted: 30 minutes
Mode (ind./pair): Group
Material :  Cards
1.      Ask the student to sit in
      groups of 10 or 15.
2.      Give a picture card to
      each one of them.
3.      Ask the students to hide
      their cards from their friends.
4.      Ask student at the first right chair to start making up
      stories based on their cards.
1. Sit in groups of 10 or 15 students.
2. Every student takes their cards with pictures in it.
3. Make a story based on their card
4. The stories must be connected with the previous story but include a story on your picture too.

Self evaluation and comments on lesson:

Graded Assignment 1 : Article Summary

(ENGL 4740)
Summary of an article;
Adopting CALL to Promote Listening Skills for EFL Learners in Vietnamese Universities
by Lan Luu Thi Phuong
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Instructor: Dr Rozina Abdul Ghani
Section 1
Asma’ Binti Ab Razak (0921578)
Aimi Farhein Binti Ramli (0921742)
Julaiha Shazmira Binti Malizan (0923078)

This article was written by Lan Luu Thi Phuong based on her research which indicates that listening skill is very important in foreign language learning and is increasingly demanding. However, research in this area of skill is still limited. Lan Luu Thi Phuong in her research aimed to discover how Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) activities influence academic listening skill of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learner, teachers’ attitudes towards computer use and the teachers’ computer skills in language teaching. The study was conducted in Vietnamese tertiary institutions.

CALL and Listening Skills
Computer-based materials include computer courses, learning programs, software, games and web-based materials that were designed for language learning purposes. Most of these materials are authentic, readily applicable, up-to-date and free, and can easily be accessed by the students online, even through their phone. These materials create more opportunities for the students to improve their listening skills and encourage them to participate in the class actively. A research by O’Bryan & Hegelheimer (2007) stated that podcast that was meant to facilitate listening instruction, has also resulted in positive attitudes for both the learners and the teachers. In general, Bingham & Larson (2006) and Puakpong (2008) agreed that CALL-based listening instruction enhances students; listening ability and has a positive effect on their attitude.

Listening Skills and CALL Materials Selection
However, as the English learning websites are expanding numerously, the teachers then need to choose the right materials before they use it in the class, by evaluating it beforehand. Yang & Chan (2008) highlighted that many websites for language learning are not specific enough and did not provide any complete criteria for language learning as it did not actually facilitate both the students and the teachers, and only relying on theories without any empirical supports.  Chapelle & Hegelheimer (2004) however, said that these websites, programs or games, still can be a good guide for teaching after a few adjustments. The websites, programs and games need to comply with the rules and the listening syllabus provided by the department.

This research used both the qualitative and quantitative methods. Data obtained before and after the intervention (program) were integrated and compared. This method provides better understanding and can compensate the research weaknesses. The quantitative measured the teachers’ responses through closed-ended question regarding the use of computer and their students’ scores. Open-ended question were also used and evaluated using qualitative method. The teachers participated in this research were chosen based on their answers in a questionnaire that measured their attitude towards CALL and their level of computer skills. During research, a class of participants received online resources as their teaching supplement. However, the other four classes of participants also received extra supplementary listening books and their teaching sessions were also involved the use of computer.

Results and Discussion

Effects of the intervention (program) on EFL teachers
The research carried out had two phases, before and after training. Thus, the distibution of pre-questionnaire and post-questionnaire. The pre-questionnaire result shows that more veteran teachers showed negative attitude towards computer use in language teaching while the younger generation teachers showed more neutral and positive attitude. As for the teacher in between two, they showed more negative and neutral responses. In addition, at the beginning the teachers were quite lacking in confidence. However, after the training program worth twelve weeks, post questionnaire was distributed. The result had shown more positive responses of the teachers to computer use in teaching listening. Not only that, they also believed that computer will facilitate them in improving the teaching content and enable them to be closer to the students. The teachers also believed that computer can help them save a lot of time and can be spared on the other listening activities.

Effects of the intervention (program) on EFL students
As for the students, the performances of the two classes, the one that received extra supplementary materials for listening together with computer use and the one that only received online resources were compared through a test designed to measure their scores. For the latter group, there was no significant difference for before and after the program. However, the former group showed a significant improvement. This improvement may suggest that the use of computers in teaching listening can be a great help in enhancing the students performances in learning English.

Lan Luu Thi Phuong elaborated that this study will be a great help in teaching English in Vietnam by stating that this study will contribute in listening skills’ teaching through the application of CALL theories contextually. She added that by training the teachers to identify the effects of applying the listening activities as suggested by CALL, they can promote and improve listening skill better thus motivate both the teachers and the students.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Reflection 4 : Part 2 - Independent Learners

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

As for today, we were discussing on the role of computer assisted learning and our group has chosen a topic of independent learners.

How can CALL develop Independent learners?

Since ages ago, Electronic Portfolio was used quite frequently in regards of assisting students and learners in their studies as well as learning processes. Academic writings such as written reports, research papers, and proposals are all uploaded to internet for various purposes. Our acknowledgement on the existence of Wikipedia has shown how Electronic Portfolio live within us even before we realize how beneficial it subsistence is.

CALL provides unlimited access to knowledge and information to the students or learners generally who wish to pursue an independent studies. However, massive occurance of information does not assure our reliability on the subject. What is important is our smart choice of selection in order to have what you need.

In this regards, the role of lecturers and teachers is very minimum. Not to desert our beloved lecturers in any ways, but it just turn out that Electronic Portfolio has provided the information needed by the students ahead above time. For example, when a student wanted to consult her lecturer during the lecturer’s consultation hours, the time might not be available on his side or he might have class going on at that particular time. If he managed to schedule an appointment with the lecturer, the consultation itself always takes longer than expected.

Even so, how long the consultation takes place does not indicate higher input on behalf of the students. All these hassles and difficulties can be avoided with the help of CALL. Indeed, CALL can successfully develop independent learners and not suprisingly, more efficient learners. Thank you.  

Reflection 4 : Part 1 - CALL in language skills

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

On week 4, we learnt about Independent Learners in CALL. There are quite a number of concepts mentioned throughout the lesson. We were able to identify the difference between communicative proficient and communicative competence.

First, let’s delve further into what is competence? It is a situation whereby you know how to speak appropriately in context. For example, when you meet someone for the first time, you can’t go to her and ask the price of her garments. Proficiency on the other hand, refers to the correct use of grammar in speaking.

With the advancement of technology, Listening has been the most promising area in CALL Development. Means like Podcasts, soft wares containing audio instructions and videos are becoming so accessible to the masses. Hence, helping language learners to not only acquire the language through written materials but also through examples of real-time conversation.

In short, learners in the new era have materials ready at the tip of their finger. All they need to do is find a specific area they feel lacking in and work on it with the help of computers. This will prevent them from making minor mistakes in their conversation which may lead to de-motivation in acquiring new languages.

Reflection 3 : Islamization of Knowledge

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

This week’s lesson is on Islamization of Knowledge. Dr.Rozina started the class with acknowledgement and appreciation to Dr.Mahmudul Hasan as we will be using power point slides prepared by him throughout the class. There are few questions that leave us pondering in the first slide.

Who do we represent?
Who will benefit if we do well in studies?

Who do we really represent? Some said the university. But frankly, starts small. How we carry ourselves is the reflection of our parents, our family. All we do is the representation of our upbringing. Whatever we do, are doing, will do, or has done is everything for the good name of our family. It starts with family and upbringing, then moving to the other levels such as school, university, country, and most of all, we are definitely representing our religion.

This applies for who will benefit if we do well in studies too. Of course, doing well in study is a dream of every man called student. Satisfaction of our own achievement will surely made us happy and proud of ourselves; besides being thankful and grateful to Allah S.W.T for make it happen.

“The relationship of the believer with another believer is like (the bricks of) a building, each strengthens the other.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Then we have this question, which indeed makes us wonder, once again; how are our brothers and sisters in Islam doing? This is definitely tricky. But the real question is, are we concern? Do we really care of what happen to our brothers and sisters in Islam out there? Have we shown any interest to discover their condition, their circumstances, and try to be part of those who help? You know the answer.

“The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.”

The application is the same with how we must be concern with our brothers and sisters in Islam. When we did not do something if they are not covering themselves properly, we were not fulfilling our duty as da`ie in this world. Dr.Rozina told us a hadeeth or story in the time of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W when there was one time the Prophet was too shy to say something to this one man to stop doing what he was doing, so he asked Umar r.a to do it. This is because of his sense of respectfulness to other people that he wishes to never embarrass anyone in any ways.

We also learned on how to incorporate Islamic values in the disciplines of sociology, history, political science or any other subjects ever existed. As mentioned by Prof. Dr. Sidek Baba, there are few steps in integrating Islamic perspectives which include integrating between the subjects inter disciplinary curriculum, the values, human potential, and tawhidic perspective. Prof. Dr. Sidek Baba also embraces the principles of integrated curriculum. The principles are understanding the human potentials from the Islamic perspective, understanding the source of knowledge in Islam , Al-Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as all knowledge must be based on tawhidic perspective.

Islamization is all about reflections of understanding. For example, English students learned about poetry. There are so many proses and poetry talking about nature, thus taught us to appreciate, acknowledge, and admire Allah’s creation.  Assalamualaikum w.b.t.